Junior Badges Achievements

Level 0

Perfect Landing Junior

Design a takeoff and landing pad area. Have your drone take off from the takeoff area and then land on the landing pad! The landing pad should be 12 x 12 inches or smaller, and it should be at least four feet away from the takeoff area. All four motors should be on the landing pad upon landing.

Bowling Junior

Use your CoDrone Mini as a bowling ball and get a strike! Make 10 bowling pins out of whatever materials you have on hand. Set the bowling pins up in a triangle at least 6 feet away from the starting point. To earn the badge, you must knock all ten pins over in one try.

Pushup Champion Junior

Have your CoDrone Mini complete 10 pushups in the shortest amount of time possible! A complete pushup is when the drone leaves the ground and touches the ground again. The drone must land before taking off for the next pushup.


Play a game of leapfrog with your CoDrone Mini! Take turns crouching down and then hopping over each other. First, hop over your drone and then crouch down. Next, program your CoDrone Mini to take off, fly over you, and then land. Your CoDrone Mini should completely fly over you (no bumping into you!) and touch the ground in between hops. To earn this badge, the sequence should be done twice.

Slam Dunk Junior

Program your drone to take off from the ground, go up, go down through a hoop, and land on the ground! A basketball hoop must be made for this challenge. It does not need to be an actual hoop but it must be 18 inches (46 centimeters) in diameter and should be able to stay up through the challenge. The drone must start on the ground, go up, go down through the hoop, and land on the ground.

Level 1

Odd and Even

Design a takeoff and landing pad area. Have your drone take off from the takeoff area and then land on the landing pad! The landing pad should be 12 x 12 inches or smaller, and it should be at least four feet away from the takeoff area. All four motors should be on the landing pad upon landing.

Junior Dice Roll

Set a variable to a random number from 1-6. Program your CoDrone Mini to hop or flip the number of times the “dice” says after the variable is called in the program. Make sure to include a print statement so you can tell whether the number of moves is the same as the random number!


Use loops to have your CoDrone Mini fly up and down a staircase! Write two loops: one so that your drone goes up the stairs, and another one so that it goes back down the stairs. Between the two loops, your drone should turn 180 degrees. You will need to complete this sequence twice. Don’t worry if you’re in a place that doesn’t have stairs! It only needs to look like your drone is going up and down stairs.

Level 2

Disco Drone

Turn your CoDrone Mini into a spinning disco ball, complete with flashing lights! Program your drone to take off and throttle up. Your drone should spin in place at least 5 times. Your LED should be a different color for each of the 5 rotations, although it can change multiple times during one rotation if you want!

Obstacle Course Junior

Make an obstacle course for your CoDrone Mini to go through. Program your keyboard to act as a remote control and see what you can do in 30 seconds! If it takes less time to go through, you should be prepared to fly your drone through the course more than once. Your course should include bridges to go over and under, something for the drone to fly through, and something for the drone to weave through. At the end, your drone should flip, dance, or flash its LED.

Secret Code

Use your LED and flight sequences to send your instructor a secret code. Use if statements to program your keyboard keys to perform different flight movements and flash LEDs. Make a codebreaker sheet for your instructor that explains what each movement means. For example, A = throttle up, B = blue light. To earn this badge, your instructor has to decode one of your messages correctly.