Welcome, CoDrone Mini student!
Let's get you started. Before your first class, make sure to complete the following with your Mac or Windows machine:
☑ Install latest Python release (or v3.7 and above)
Install Python on your Mac or Windows machine. Make sure you have access to admin credentials for installing new software on the computer, if you’re using a guest or limited account. This is especially important for students using a school computer or parent computer with limited access. If you’re on a Mac computer, you may need to modify the security settings in system preferences in order to download software.
☑ Install PyCharm Edu
We're going to install PyCharm Edu, which is what we'll use for coding CoDrone Mini. PyCharm is what many actual Python programmers use!
☑ Set up PyCharm Edu for CoDrone Mini
Now let's get your environment set up so we can do a quick test run.
☑ Run the test program
Plug in your controller to your device and turn on your CoDrone Mini.

Okay! We're going to run some simple take off and land test code. Make sure you've got some space, and that there's nothing fragile nearby! Here's some code to just copy and paste into your file to run.
How did it go? You can let us know if you had trouble at the bottom of the page, and we'll help you out.
If the last step didn't work and your drone didn't take off, your computer might need the driver in order for PyCharm to talk to your CoDrone Mini remote. You can download the driver here:
☑ Label your micro USB cable
Mark the USB cable that came in the package with a tape—choose something obvious, like a colorful tape. This is because some USB cables only provide power but don’t transfer data, so you’ll want to distinguish it from others.


Let us know you're all done!