Dear Robolink Parents:

Thank you all for registering for the 2016-17 VEX IQ Crossover Season. We are looking forward to some amazing robots this year and most importantly looking forward to another great season of learning about robots! All of the students are now situated in teams and are already in gear to start play testing their robot. Please note that the scrimmage is optional, but extremely helpful. This will definitely give your child AND you an idea of how the event will run.

Please be sure to mark your calendars regarding the following events as you are all pre-registered for all of the following events:

VEX IQ Scrimmage

WHEN: October 15, 2016

WHERE: Robolink. 5677 Oberlin Dr. Ste. 100 San Diego CA 92121

TIME: 4:30pm-6:30pm


WHEN: December 10, 2016

WHERE: UCSD Henry Booker Room

TIME: 9:00am-2:40pm


WHEN: February 4, 2017

WHERE: Hilgren Ct.@ Francis Parker 6501 Linda Vista Rd

TIME: 9:00am-2:40pm


Non-Robolink registered events can be found here:

If you would like to register for non-robolink events please let us know and we can assist you as best as possible.


Secondly, we will be collecting the VEX IQ fixed fees starting the first week of October. Preferably we would like to collect all fixed fees as checks payable to Robolink. Fixed fees will vary from team to team and we will send out an email regarding how much we are collecting from you. Please be on the lookout for our email!


Amount Description
$50 VEX IQ Team Creation Charge

this cost is divided amongst the members in the team


ex. $50/ (number of members) = cost

$85 Robolink Rental Fee

Seasonal rental fee of the kit

~$50/regional tournament VEX Event Registration

this cost is divided by the amount of people in the team(2 events)


ex. $50/ (number of members) = cost


Should you have any questions please let us know so that we may assist you as best as possible.

Please send inquiries to